10 years ago in March, we had our defining moment. That fateful day in Salina. Mallory left by helicoptor for Children's Mercy for her first heart surgery. Definately not what we expected for our little girl. I'll never forget the look on the cardiologist face when he realized the severity of Mallory's heart defect and how sick she truly was.
10 years ago this September, Mallory had her open heart surgery. That was the longest 9 days. A temporary pacemaker, a collapsed lung, tube feedings. What more could a parent take?
10 years ago, at the suggestion of our cardiologist, Mallory was screened for genetic defects. I am thankful now for that, although at the time I thought he was crazy.
After seeing the struggles that many parents go through trying to find the answers for their children with special needs, I am so very thankful that we had our answer 10 years ago. Long before it was evident that there were going to be issues. Long before we were prepared. But early enough to start all the interventions that were needed.
We are headed to Mallory's annual appointment in Salina with cardiologist today. I still get anxious as we await the cardiologist's report. I still get a chill up my spine every time I walk into the hospital there. Knowing that the day is getting closer for Mallory to have a valve replacement. Praying for good news today!
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